Thursday 28 September 2017

Week 5 - Carousel - Fashion

Within this final week of the rotation, we started with swatches of different colours on paper, in order to experiment for our own graphic designs In order for these to be printed onto fabric, they had to be put through a heat press. Through doing this process, I noticed that the colouring of the design became a lot more vibrant after being in the heat press.
Along with this, we also had to make dresses of plastic bags and dress these on and off of a mannequin model to a human. I personally participated in the cat walk that took place with these fashion items, and learnt what to do on a professional cat-walk, such as how to pose.

From this experience, I have gained understanding in how to use mannequins for costumes that I could use in my own media production. This rotation also allowed me to experience working with other people and other industries which will also be useful when trying to create costumes and working with actors in my own productions.

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