Thursday 9 November 2017

Ideas for production

Idea 1

Informal way in which they integrate with each other is casual and they can wear informal clothes because its new years and the layout can be quite informal too with individual arm chairs.

Upcoming Student Events
Events to do with their courses e.g. prom, bake sale etc. They talk about these events and it could be one of the more longer clips with students walking round college as they talk.

Colour Scheme
Very vibrant colours to show its less formal and the studio could look party like.

Opening title with fun, upbeat music  and it is short and sweet. There could also be a quick introduction to each section by its presenter that is less formal.

Student Union
It could be showing what the students do in their spare time e.g playing pool or going over to the canteen to get a drink and a bite to eat.

A debate about what films everyone is looking forward to and why and its an informal discussion and its quite cheery.

A debate about the biggest singles coming out and its an informal and very chatty discussion.

Student Discount
Debating about what they feel about the current things going on with it and they could be sitting in the canteen because food and drink plays a big part in this topic.

Interviews with Staff
They could be talking about what they do as their job role and doing what they do so it looks more visual to the audience e.g if they are a chef in the canteen, they show themselves cooking the food as well as talking at the same time.

There could be a voice over telling you about what is being advertised e.g hair salon could have someone telling you about hair treatment whilst showing you people getting their hair done. It could be slightly more formal than the other parts as it is creating a brand for itself.


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