Thursday 9 November 2017

Unit 4

The Hypodermic Needle Theory
This model argues that audiences are 'passive consumers' of media messages. Media products 'inject' ideas into our heads and we have no control over our responses. It is based upon the idea that human brains are hardwired to respond to certain stimuli in the same way, which is why we have mass hysteria. Two well-used examples are Nazi Propaganda and the 1938 radio broadcast of War of the Worlds.

The Uses & Gratifications Model
On the other hand, the Uses & Gratifications Model assumes that media consumers are 'active', making choices and responding in individual ways to media. This model suggests that we have particular needs that media products are designed to satisfy. Obvious examples of this would be social media sites, but the idea applies just as music videos or newspapers.

Some examples of 'Uses'
Diversion - We seek out media as it offers a brief escape from our everyday problems (like homework) and an emotional release.

Social interaction - Not just using media to communicate to people, but also keeping up to date with shows in order to be part of a group (you don't just watch The Walking Dead, you talk about it with other people who have seen it).

Personal Identity - We define ourselves by our tastes, the kinds of films we watch, the sort of music
we listen to, the type of websites we visit, and so on are carefully chosen by us as they help us 'stand out from the crowd'.

Informed/Educated - Learning more about a subject, whether that is local news, a nature documentary, celebrity gossip, etc.

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